How to reduce your use in heating and cooling

  • Keep your thermostat away from heat sources or open windows, this can make your heater or air conditioner work harder than it has to, and achieve an undesirable temperature.
  • Tune-up your heating and air conditioning units once a year to keep them running efficiently
  • Seal gaps in floors and walls around pipes or elecrical wiring.
  • If you have a fireplace, make sure you have a tight-fitting damper, and keep it closed when you are not using the fireplace.
  • Repair any broken or cracked windows.
  • Put clear plastic over windows, this can add an extra layer of insulation.
  • To save on your heating bill, turn the heater down to 68 or lower, and wear a warm sweater or sweatshirt.
  • clean or replace your air conditioning filters every month during the summer. This applies to both central and window air conditioners
  • Adjust the thermostat, keeping the heat down in the winter or not using the air conditioning as much in the summer. Each degree of change could save 5% on your energy bill.
  • If possible, shade your air conditioning unit, this can save 5% on each energy bill
  • Plant trees in your yard. The shade will keep your house cool in the summer, and they act as wind blocks to stop the harsh winter wind from blowing through.
  • Try to use air conditioning as little as possible.
  • Use ceiling fans or window fans instead of air conditioning, they are much more energy-efficient
  • Keep your blinds, drapes, or shades closed during the day.
  • Check for drafts using a light ribbon or feather along the seams of your windows and doors. If you find a draft, seal it with weather stripping or caulking.
  • Close doors and vents in rooms you aren't using
  • Check the insulation in your attic, it should be 6 inches to 1 foot thick. This is especially important because heat rises and escapes through your attic
  • Change the furnace filter at least once a year. Filters get clogged up with dust and dirt that circulates through your house. A clogged filter makes your heater or air conditioner use more energy to try to maintain a certain temperature
  • Put in a programmable thermostat which will keep your house at the right temperature day and night. Programmable thermostats can reduce heating and cooling bills by up to 10% because they work around your schedule even if you forget to adjust the thermostat before leaving your home.
  • Keep windows and doors closed while heat or air conditioning is on
  • Dont place furniture in front of heating or cooling vents

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

If you have any questions on how these suggestions could work for you, comment on this post!  We'll respond with more information on where to purchase the home improvements, estimates of the costs, and estimates of the savings.  Just say what you're planning to do or what situation you're in, and we'll help you out.Publish Post